Tyler, Anderson, David, and Dandelion – Weather Story

Tyler from Stafford, VA: Masters in Atmospheric Sciences at Texas Tech. Studied urban heat island and its associated advection. B.S. in meteorology from Penn State (2022). Loved weather from a young age. Snow, tropical were my favorites.

Anderson from DFW: I saw EF4, EF3, and EF2 damage on the way here! Marietta, Ardmore, Valley View. I also storm chase.

David and Dandelion from Kansas City: In May 2003 I was in KC for a wedding, after I was heading back to Tulsa, OK and had no time to drop off the suit I was using and asked my mother and asked my mother and friend to drop it off for me. It was May 4th, 2003 and while they were dropping off the suit my mother’s house was leveled by an F5 tornado. The HVAC unit was in the bathtub and parts of a semi trailer were in the living room, but in one corner a cabinet was standing untouched. The neighbors house had been pushed into my mother’s house.