Jeanette, Allie, Liv, and John – Weather Story

Jeanette from Texas: I was on a camp out with my oldest daughter’s troop. My ear plugs and eye cover both on/in. They woke me up so our troop could go take shelter in the bathroom until the storm had passed. A lot of tents (not mine) had been very wet! Everything worked out. This was 2016 maybe.

Allie from Covington, TN: My school was hit by an EF3 right before my birthday.

Liv from Kansas: It was April 30, 2024. We were driving by Centralia and we saw a tornado.

John from Chicago, IL: We were heading east on I-40 near Veya, TX, and a huge squall line was producing multiple small rotations in the cell. As we move in, reflectivity was high (~70dBZ) and along the start of the cell a hook echo formed. The velocity was hard to track due to radar placement, and the tornado caused no damage, so the coefficient was useless, but there was a multi-vortex tornado next to the car, EF2 possible, but it caused no damage because it was in an open field.